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QuickLogic Launches Comprehensive QuickAI Platform for Endpoint AI Applications

Sunnyvale, CA – May 7, 2018 – QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK) today announced the launch of its QuickAI™ platform for endpoint Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The new QuickAI platform provides an all-inclusive low power solution and development environment to economically incorporate the benefits of AI in endpoint applications. It features technology, software and toolkits from General Vision, Nepes, SensiML and QuickLogic, all of which have formed a tightly-coupled ecosystem to solve the challenges associated with the implementation of AI for endpoint applications.

The QuickAI platform is based on General Vision’s NeuroMem neural network IP, which has been licensed by Nepes and integrated into the Nepes Neuromorphic NM500 AI learning device. Both General Vision and Nepes provide software for configuring and training the neurons in the network. In addition, SensiML provides an analytics toolkit to quickly and easily build smart sensor algorithms for endpoint IoT applications.

General Vision’s technology is the foundation element of the platform. This technology enables on-chip exact and fuzzy pattern matching and learning using a scalable parallel architecture of Radial Basis Function neurons. The parallel architecture results in fixed latency for any number of neurons and a very low, energy efficient operating frequency. General Vision supplies the Knowledge Builder tool suite and SDK used to train and configure the neurons in a NeuroMem network.

The Nepes Neuromorphic NM500 implements the NeuroMem technology in an energy efficient, small form factor component. This AI-enabling component can be trained in the field to recognize patterns in real time, and multiple devices can be chained to provide any number of neurons. In addition to the NM500, Nepes supplies the Knowledge Studio software tools used for configuring and training the neurons in the NM500 device.

SensiML complements the General Vision/Nepes technology by providing the SensiML Analytics Toolkit, which simplifies the task of generating endpoint AI solutions by providing tools that automate the management of training data, optimize the choice of feature extraction algorithms, and automate code generation for the resulting AI solution.

eFPGA IP Cores

The EOS™ S3 voice and sensor processing platform from QuickLogic is the final critical element of this new platform initiative. Its ultra-low power, sophisticated audio and sensor processing and embedded FPGA make it the perfect host for the NM500 and the software that implements AI solutions using the NM500.

The platform includes the QuickAI Hardware Development Kit (HDK) with EOS S3, two NM500 devices, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, microphones, Nordic Bluetooth® Low Energy device, flash memory, and an Intel Edison-compatible connector that allows access to Edison daughter boards such as uSD.

“We knew that tackling endpoint IoT applications would require a platform approach,” said Brian Faith, QuickLogic’s president and CEO. “We’re excited to be part of such an outstanding ecosystem of companies to deliver a solution the market can adopt today.”

The EOS S3 is available now. The HDK is sampling now and will be generally available at the end of Q2. The SensiML Anaytics Toolkit ported to the QuickAI HDK will be available in Q3.

About QuickLogic
QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK) enables OEMs to maximize battery life for highly differentiated, immersive user experiences with Smartphone, Wearable, Hearable and IoT devices. QuickLogic delivers these benefits through industry leading ultra-low power customer programmable SoC semiconductor solutions, embedded software, and algorithm solutions for always-on voice and sensor processing. The company's embedded FPGA initiative also enables SoC designers to easily implement post production changes and increase revenue by providing hardware programmability to their end customers. For more information about QuickLogic, please visit www.quicklogic.com and http://blog.quicklogic.com.

QuickLogic Launches Comprehensive QuickAI Platform for Endpoint AI Applications







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