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ARC EV Processors are fully programmable and configurable IP cores that are optimized for embedded vision applications

All Silicon IP All Verification IP


DesignWare EV Embedded Vision Processors provide high-performance processing capabilities at a power and cost point low enough for embedded applications, while maintaining flexibility to support any neural network graph and real-time performance requirements.

Machine vision and deep learning are being embedded in highly integrated SoCs and expanding into high-volume applications such as automotive ADAS, surveillance, and augmented reality. A major challenge in enabling mass adoption of embedded vision applications is in providing the processing capability at a power and cost point low enough for embedded applications, while maintaining sufficient flexibility to cater to rapidly evolving markets.

The DesignWare® ARC EV Processors are fully programmable and configurable IP cores that are optimized for embedded vision applications, combining the flexibility of software solutions with the low cost and low power consumption of hardware. For fast, accurate object detection and recognition, the EV Processors integrate an optional high-performance convolutional neural network (CNN) engine.

The EV Processors are designed to integrate seamlessly into an SoC and can be used with any host processors and operate in parallel with the host. To speed application software development, the EV processors are supported by a comprehensive software programming environment based on existing and emerging embedded vision and neural network standards including OpenCV, OpenVX™, OpenCL™ C, and Caffe with Synopsys' ARC MetaWare EV Development Toolkit.







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