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Feature Flexibility with USB in IoT

By Eric Huang, Synopsys , Jun. 29, 2016 – 

"If it isn't broken, it doesn't have enough features."

I've been thinking about this Engineering joke all week. I love it because it balances what Marketing loves (features) vs. what engineering delivers (quality implementation).

A great example of this is the IoT market. At this point in the adoption cycle, we are still in the earliest market. For consumers, a lot of education is required. Do they need it? Where to buy it? IoT for the Home is still in its infancy. Unless you're an uber geek or at least a beginning geek, it's going to take some time set up your IoT home of the future. Or you are going to pay someone $10,000 so you can turn you lights off from your mobile phone.

I am aware for smart buildings the market ahead of the home automation market. The incentives for energy, cost, and security will continue to drive building automation. The staff that install and maintain those systems routinely receive training. At the same time, the custodian and staff have to enable or disable features as needed.

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