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Cadence Managed Cloud Service Drives Automotive Sensor Solutions for Murata Finland

www.cadence.com, Dec. 14, 2023 – 

Did you know that a modern automobile might contain as many as 100 sensors? Automotive sensors are electronic devices that measure pressure, acceleration, inclination, temperature, and much more, feeding this data back to the vehicle's various control units. They also come in a mind-boggling array of configurations, many of them safety-critical. Today, they are indispensable components of an intelligent automotive system.

Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) are sensors that convert pressure or physical movement into electrical signals. MEMS-interfacing ASICs control MEMS element behavior and measure the tiny signals received from the element, perform signal processing, and then generate the digital output.

Murata is the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of inertial sensors for the automotive industry. It designs, develops, and manufactures sensors based on patented 3D MEMS technology in Finland. Considering the safety-critical nature of its products, Murata Finland requires a state-of-the-art EDA environment for their design and verification.

This is where the Cadence Managed Cloud Service comes in, an EDA-optimized platform with a fully integrated and proven cloud environment to launch product design, verification, and implementation. The platform serves a full front-to-back design flow, partial design flow, and hybrid cloud-based peak capacity to augment an on-premises compute environment.

Cadence and Murata Finland: Extending a Partnership

Recently, Murata Finland and Cadence renewed their license agreement, which enables Murata Finland to leverage Cadence's advanced EDA software hosted securely in the cloud.

Using the Cadence Managed Cloud Service, Murata Finland was able to improve engineering productivity by 10% when developing a mixed-signal MEMS-sensing ASIC for a new product, including accelerometer and gyroscope MEMS, in collaboration with its design partners and Cadence design services. Cadence's cloud solution ensured that critical resources within the Murata Finland ASIC team focused on design rather than IT tasks. Furthermore, third-party designers could seamlessly collaborate with Murata designers.

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