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Kudelski IoT与Zoom展开合作,成为Zoom授权硬件认证测试实验室之一

Kudelski IoT, a division of the Kudelski Group, a global leader in digital security and IoT solutions, today announced its partnership with Zoom (zoom.us) to evaluate the performance of third-party equipment with Zoom services, including Zoom Phone, Zoom Rooms, Zoom Rooms Controller, and Digital Signage for the Zoom Hardware Certification Program. This collaboration aims to uphold the highest level of performance, including security, across Zoom's comprehensive suite of products and services. It also educates hardware manufacturers that incorporate Zoom services with their devices to identify and rectify any security vulnerabilities swiftly, to achieve Zoom Certification of their hardware.

www.newswiretoday.com/index.php, May. 07, 2024 – 

The transition to remote work and the increased reliance on video conferencing platforms have highlighted the importance of securing confidential and proprietary information shared online by corporations, educational institutions, and government entities. In response, service providers like Zoom have significantly enhanced the security of their services. Zoom's enhancements have not only bolstered its popularity, but also benefited third-party device manufacturers that integrate Zoom services into their hardware, which presents new security challenges.

Kudelski IoT has played a pivotal role in assisting companies like Zoom in evaluating the security of their platforms and in developing security testing and certification programs for ecosystem partners, such as camera manufacturers. This collaboration supports the protection of user privacy, the Zoom brand, and the device manufacturers' reputations. With over 30 years of experience in combating piracy and hacking within the global digital television market, Kudelski IoT brings unparalleled expertise to the assessment of IoT devices and ecosystems through one of the world's most experienced and best-equipped security labs. The company also offers security architecture, threat analysis and device security discovery services.

"Having confidence in the security of third-party hardware is crucial to our overall solution security because security is only as strong as its weakest link," said Andy Grant, head of offensive security at Zoom. "Security is a top priority at Zoom, and establishing a secure ecosystem through Zoom Hardware Certification is one of the best ways to help safeguard our users. Kudelski IoT's extensive experience will be instrumental to our goal of having no vulnerabilities in the system when using third-party hardware."

In its collaboration with device manufacturers working with Zoom services, Kudelski IoT focuses on evaluating the devices' resilience against hacking and the security of its software stack to prevent both local and remote attacks. This supports the devices' safety for connection to various networks. Additionally, Kudelski IoT verifies the security of the device's firmware update mechanism (FOTA) to maintain security throughout its lifecycle.

"Zoom has already implemented advanced security features to protect meetings, data, and privacy," said Joel Conus, VP of Kudelski IoT Security Labs. "Developing a certification program for third-party cameras and hardware bolsters the integrity of the total end-to-end solution, offering peace of mind to the millions of daily Zoom meeting participants."

Kudelski IoT has conducted numerous security assessments for manufacturers of Zoom-compatible devices, ensuring these products meet the stringent security standards required for Zoom certification within the Zoom secure ecosystem. Companies looking to integrate Zoom capabilities with their hardware products are encouraged to apply for Zoom hardware certification.

About Kudelski IoT

Kudelski IoT (kudelski-iot.com) is the Internet of Things division of Kudelski Group and provides end-to-end IoT solutions, IoT product design, and full-lifecycle services to IoT device manufacturers, ecosystem creators, and end-user companies. These solutions and services leverage the group's 30+ years of innovation in digital business model creation; hardware, software and ecosystem design and testing; state-of-the-art security lifecycle management technologies and services and managed operation of complex systems.

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